Bus Route Maps

You can now view our bus routes using Google Maps.  Each map has a list of stops and times for each stop.  If you have any questions about these maps you can always contact the Transportation Department at 970-641-7780, or email us at [email protected].
Ahora puedes ver nuestras rutas de autobuses en Google Maps. Cada mapa tiene una lista de paradas y horarios de cada parada. Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre estos mapas, siempre puede comunicarse con el Departamento de Transporte al 970-641-7780 o enviarnos un correo electrónico a [email protected].
Gunnison Student Walking Zone Map

Crested Butte Bus Routes

"Tiger Bus" CB South/Buckhorn AM
Please note, PM bus service to CB South will continue for the 2024-2025 school year. The "Sea Turtle" bus will stop at Red Mtn. Park each afternoon to drop off CB South students. Please follow the link below to check the bus route map.
 "Sea Turtle" CB South/Riverbend AM CB South/Buckhorn/Riverbend PM Route